Amsterdam Cocoa Experience Center
Earlier this year, our Amsterdam Cocoa office underwent some renovation work to create a unique center of excellence with a space dedicated to innovation within the cocoa products business, as well as align with our global ECOM brand. We are very pleased to announce that it is now completed and has been named the Amsterdam Cocoa Experience Center.
The renovation enabled the team to create various spaces within the Experience Center. One of these is a cocoa lab, where the product development team is able to experiment and create new recipes for different cocoa products. It also serves as a space to receive our partners and clients to give demonstrations of what we can offer them in terms of cocoa products, such as powders, and all the work that is behind it.
As growing innovators, the creation of such a space reflects how we continue to grow into a tight-knit community, allowing us to better collaborate with one another. The alignment to our global ECOM brand reinforces our One ECOM philosophy that drives us all.
If you didn’t know, our Amsterdam office is focused on the trade, processing (in our own factory), and the creation of a variety of different cocoa products. These range from the processing of the dried cocoa bean into cocoa mass, butter and powder, for the creation of finished goods including chocolate, ice cream, fillings, desserts, baked goods, creams, drinks and compound chocolate!
If you are interested in learning more about our cocoa products, please have a look on our website!
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