Developing youth skills to create Bosques del Mañana
In Nicaragua, ECOM and Nestlé have joined forces on the Bosques del Mañana (Forests of Tomorrow) project. Bosques del Mañana is part of Nestlé’s Shared Value Creation model, where there are additional pillars led by the local market including topics like youth, human rights and regenerative agriculture. It is also an integral part of Nestlé’s Global Reforestation Program and is aligned with the goal of achieving Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. The project employs female nursery workers and more than 100 young people.
We are pleased to report that we have achieved the 2023 goal, reflecting both the success of the project and the constant pursuit of excellence and innovation.
In collaboration with 233 producers who are part of the Nestlé milk and coffee supply chain, we achieved the successful planting of 1,282,090 forest trees in critical areas of soil degradation. The positive impact of the project has been felt in various regions of the country, from Wiwilí to Nueva Guinea, generating environmental benefits and encouraging community participation.
Since the project’s launch in 2021, we have planted 2,600,315 native trees. Producers have been provided with constant support, follow-up and supervision in the field, consolidating our connection with the local communities.