
ECOM Foundation's Satellite School Programme


The ECOM Foundation is committed to long-term sustainability that will provide a permanent positive change in producer communities.


In El Salvador, the Foundation’s Satellite School Programme offers multi-curriculum, all-grade studies for school-age children, as well as for the adult farming communities.


One such satellite school, the San Andres School in Apaneca, opened in 2022. Equipped with 31 computers, the school started with 360 enrolled students, which increased to 418 (50.9% boys, 49.1% girls) in 2023, with a 95% attendance rate.


The schools encourage students to reach high school or even university-level education, and acquire the skills needed for jobs in their communities.


The San Francisco Satellite School in the Ataco-Ahuachapán community provides education to 548 students in a coffee-growing region of El Salvador, and a further three satellite schools operate in the city of Sonsonate.

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