
Applying regenerative agriculture


The Solo Verde project in Brazil supports the transition towards more regenerative soil management practices with the distribution of cover crops (a mix of grass and leguminous seeds selected for their suitability to the region) to producers, who plant them in the corridors between coffee plants, and then use them as mulch for the ground. Planting cover crops offers a range of benefits, including soil erosion management, microbial activity in the soil, improvement in soil structuring and aeration with a potential impact on farming practices such as reduction of agrochemical use and of mineral fertiliser use.


This approach also promotes water infiltration and storage in the soil, contributing to more efficient and sustainable management of water resources. This investment in regenerative agricultural practices that value soil biodiversity and promote ecosystem resilience not only helps food to be grown more sustainably, but also builds solid foundations for a healthier and more productive agricultural future.


The project is now expanding, aiming to triple its area and reach over 3,000 hectares of coffee plantation.

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Keeping bees for better coffee

In Brazil, ECOM initiated our SMS Bee Project, in partnership with Nespresso and CarmoCoffees to encourage coffee farmers to become beekeepers given that bees play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and food security, while also enhancing coffee production. 

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Weeding out problem plants

Weeds can be a real problem for coffee farmers. Those with deep root systems compete with coffee trees for nutrients, reducing yields. However, weeds with shallow roots can help with water and nutrient retention and by increasing soil microbial diversity, which can help lead to higher yields for farmers.