
Building climate resilience in Vietnam


In Vietnam, we have implemented initiatives designed to improve the climate resilience of the Robusta supply chain in two of the main producing provinces in the Central Highlands. Actions taken include the following:


  • • Promoting and distributing grafted clones of Robusta, ensuring pest-resistance and higher productivity levels
  • • Implementing intercropping and agroforestry models, along with the distribution of fruit trees and forest trees, to support income diversification and higher carbon sequestration rates on farms
  • • Implementing soil conservation practices, with distribution of organic fertilisers, soil amendments, cover crops and mycorrhizae products, supported by the development of nutrition programmes on a large scale, with up to 4,000 farms provided with soil analysis

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Coffee Protect Nature
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Keeping bees for better coffee

In Brazil, ECOM initiated our SMS Bee Project, in partnership with Nespresso and CarmoCoffees to encourage coffee farmers to become beekeepers given that bees play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and food security, while also enhancing coffee production. 

Coffee Protect Nature
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Weeding out problem plants

Weeds can be a real problem for coffee farmers. Those with deep root systems compete with coffee trees for nutrients, reducing yields. However, weeds with shallow roots can help with water and nutrient retention and by increasing soil microbial diversity, which can help lead to higher yields for farmers.