Carbon Management Services

Innovative solutions


In the agricultural sector, the main sources of emissions come from land use change and land management practices at the farm level. We have the knowledge and technical expertise to accelerate net-zero goals. With ECOM’s boots on the ground presence in over 40 countries, we offer a wide range of opportunities for reduction and removal projects. 

ECOM accounts for GHG emissions and removals across its supply chain in alignment with the SBTi's FLAG Guidance and the GHG Protocol, providing reliable estimation to clients and stakeholders.

Read more about how we deliver impact for climate and livelihoods

Our services

Supporting your climate journey

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) & Net-zero

Implementing interventions to achieve accountable reductions and removals aligned with the SBTi guidance to reach science based targets and net-zero goals

Carbon credits

Compensating emissions with a variety of projects that can be registered on the voluntary carbon market (e.g., Gold Standard) such as fuel-efficient cookstoves, reforestation, agroforestry projects


Why reductions? Around one fourth of global emissions come from the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector. To align with global climate goals and increase climate resiliency at the farm level, it is necessary to reduce as much emissions as possible. 

ECOM offers many solutions to reduce emissions at the farm level. We have the expertise to quantify the impact of coffee, cocoa, and cotton and scale up interventions to reduce carbon emissions on-farm.  


Why removals? Reducing emissions alone is not enough to reach our climate commitments. Removing carbon via natural based solutions is an essential part of reaching science based targets.

ECOM provides both on-farm and off-farm projects to accelerate the carbon interventions necessary to reach net zero emissions by leveraging the skills of our 1500+ SMS agronomists and field technicians.

On-farm removals

ECOM offers on-farm removal interventions that contribute to net-zero goals aligned with the SBTi and allow companies to make carbon claims (e.g., lower carbon commodities, “carbon-neutral”).







ECOM offers reductions and removals within and outside of our value chains to compensate for emissions. Compensation projects such as large scale reforestation sequester high amounts of carbon while restoring natural ecosystems.





Silvopastoral Forestry

Watershed Restoration